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MAR Fund’s 9th Request for Proposals

MAR Fund has launched their ninth Request for Proposals titled Supporting and Strengthening the Management of Coastal and Marine Protected Areas in the Mesoamerican Reef.  This is a joint request for proposals between the French Global Environmental Facility the Government of Germany through KfW, the Paul Angell Family Foundation and the MAR Fund.

The overall objective of this initiative is to contribute to the conservation of the ecological functions of the Mesoamerican Reef system. This RfP will support activities to be developed in the coastal and marine protected areas indicated in the document of the RfP that integrate the priority area network on which the MAR Fund focuses.  The deadline for the submission of proposals is September 16, 2016.

MAR Fund makes a special invitation to coastal communities living in protected areas or its zones of influence, directly to submit proposals.  Communities interested in participating may request technical support for the preparation of proposals. The procedure and dates that apply to this process are described in the document of the RfP.

All this information can be found through the following link:

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