healthy reefs indicators

Indicators Reference Guide

A Guide to Indicators of Reef Health and Social Well-Being in the Mesoamerican Reef Region

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This Guide to Indicators of Reef Health and Social Well-being in the Mesoamerican Reef Region (2007) is the first edition of an evolving toolkit for field scientists, managers, and other stakeholders involved in the long-term study and conservation of the Mesoamerican Reef. It was the first effort to quantify the definition of coral reef health with specific indicators and reference values, designed for a general audience.

The guide also offers practical advice on how reef stewards can apply these indicators to real-world situations, emphasizing the importance of understanding the connections among different indicators. Ultimately, this guide aims to help reef managers use these indicators to catalyze stronger actions to ensure the long-term ecological health and sustainability of our remarkable reefs.

2008 Quick Reference Guide

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A Companion to A Guide to Indicators of Reef Health and Social Well-Being in the Mesoamerican Reef Region. You will find summarized information of all reef health indicators we have used in the past and the present, guiding you in an easy way to apply them in your research. If you want to explore other indicator not used in the RHI, you can find coral recruitment, coral mortality, Diadema abundance, focal species abundance, among others.